
Congrès national virtuel d'EPS 2022

Le Congrès national virtuel 2022 réunit plus de 30 chefs de section, détenteurs de connaissances, pionniers en matière d’éducation, et figures de proue d’écoles et de communautés en santé, tous issus de la collectivité canadienne d’EPS, pour échanger des idées, partager l’expertise, et outiller les collègues d’idées et ressources pratiques. Examinez leurs feuilles de route et ne manquez pas leurs exposés dans le cadre du Congrès 2022!

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Steeve Ager
Réseau Accès Participation
Montreal, QC

Bachelier en kinésiologie et en psychologie, Steeve Ager est investi dans la promotion de la santé et de l'activité physique depuis maintenant plus de 15 ans. D'abord pour Québec en Forme de 2003 à 2013, il se joint ensuite à l'équipe de promotion des saines habitudes de vie à la direction générale de santé publique du Ministère de la Santé où il occupera là-aussi les fonctions de conseiller principal en activité physique de 2013 à 2016. Il y coordonnera notamment, conjointement avec le ministère de l’Éducation, la Table sur le mode de vie physiquement actif, en plus d'être impliqué dans la rédaction de documents d'orientation importants pour le Québec (vision québécoise d'un mode de vie physiquement actif, politique gouvernementale de prévention, programme national de santé publique). De 2017 à 2019, il occupera la  direction des opérations et des programmes de Fillactive.  À l'aube de 2020, il entame un nouveau défi et se voit confier la direction générale du Réseau Accès Participation.  


Cindy Andrew
Senior Associate
Bunyaad Public Affairs
Victoria, BC

Cindy Andrew is a former teacher who has worked in the Healthy Schools field for over 30 years. She is a senior associate with Bunyaad Public Affairs, a former program consultant with the Canadian Institute on Substance Use Research and also works with a Vancouver Island based school district in supporting their health promoting schools related efforts.

Alain Arbour

Alain Arbour
Conseil Scolaire Francophone
Richmond, BC

Alain Arbour is a Vice-Principal with the Conseil Scolaire Francophone (CSF) in BC.  Alain earned his Specialist Honours PHE in 1996 and went on to earn his B.Ed. with a specialist in Physical Education and Health in 1997.  He has more than 20 years of experience in K-12 schools teaching physical education, health and sciences at the high school level in Ontario, BC as well as remote First Nations communities.  During these years he earned additional specialist accreditations including Special Education.  He has completed Principal accreditations in BC and Ontario.  He is working to complete his M.Ed. from Universite Ste-Boniface.

Kellie Baker

Kellie Baker
Program Development Specialist, Physical Education K-12
NL Department of Education
St John’s, NL

Kellie Baker has been teaching physical and health education (K to post-secondary) for 26 years. Deeply passionate about physical and health education, Kellie has served on multiple national and provincial boards, councils, and committees. Kellie has also contributed to national and provincial policy and curriculum development and redesign. Connect with Kellie on Twitter @PE4LifeNL and @KellBaker3.


Rhona Bowe
Traditional Ethnobotanist
Chase, BC

Rhona Bowe is originally from Williams Lake. She grew up in Whitehorse, YT, lived in the Yukon for 18 years, returned to BC 23 years ago and has lived in Chase since. Her interest in plants and healing has been there for as long as she can remember. Her teachers have been diverse and include her mother Billie Smith, many Elders from the North and from BC, including knowledge taught through ceremonies. Pat Johnson and Percy Rossette are a few that she has had the privilege to learn from. She travelled to Manitoba for four years to extend her knowledge of plants and learn combinations. Over the past 15 years she has started to share her knowledge of plants. Wherever she travels, she learns more and the knowledge is endless and very rewarding. Rhona feels privileged to have learned as she has and to be able to share such age old teachings and remedies with today's modern society, while respectfully passing through to future generations.

Mariana Brussoni

Dr. Mariana Brussoni
Director of the Human Early Learning Partnership / Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics and the School of Population and Public Health
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC

Dr. Mariana Brussoni is Director of the Human Early Learning Partnership and an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics and the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada. She is an investigator with the British Columbia Children’s Hospital Research Institute and the British Columbia Injury Research & Prevention Unit. Mariana’s award-winning research investigates child injury prevention and children’s risky play, focusing on parent and caregiver perceptions of risk, and design of outdoor play-friendly environments. She partners with practitioners and policy makers in early childhood education, schooling, municipal planning and recreation provision, with the aim of creating environments where all children thrive in healthy societies. Her work has been featured in the Nature of Things, the New York Times, Popular Science, and many other international media platforms. Further details are available at https://brussonilab.ca

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Sarah Butson
Analyste, politiques et affaires publiques 
Association pulmonaire du Canada
Ottawa, ON

Sarah Butson est une analyste de politiques et d’affaires publiques à l’Association pulmonaire du Canada. Elle travaille depuis 15 ans dans les domaines de la promotion de la santé, l’éducation, la lutte anti-tabac, et l’action de plaidoyer. Précédemment, elle a géré une institution de formation habilitant les leaders adolescents à passer à l’action dans la lutte contre le tabagisme et le vapotage. Au-delà de son travail de promotion de la santé pulmonaire, elle se plaît à se détendre avec ses deux jeunes filles.

John Byl

John Byl, PhD
Canadian Gopher Sport Ambassador
Gopher Sport
Hamilton, ON

John Byl, PhD, is the Canadian Gopher Sport Ambassador, was president of CIRA Ontario (2003-2018), and a retired professor of Physical Education at Redeemer University in Ancaster, Ontario (1986-2014). Dr. Byl has authored or coauthored over 30 books. He is the winner of several professional awards, including the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for promoting physical activity across Canada, and is a regular workshop leader. He has a special interest in promoting fun, active participation for all children and developing and maintaining personal wellness.

Claire Crooks

Claire Crooks
Clinical Psychologist and Professor, Faculty of Education
Western University
London, ON

Claire Crooks is a clinical psychologist and professor at the Faculty of Education (Western University). She is the Director of the Centre for School Mental Health, where she and her team develop, implement, and evaluate mental health promotion and violence prevention programs in a range of school and community settings. Claire’s research looks at the gaps between science, practice and policy related to the healthy development of children and youth. Claire also co-directs the School Mental Health Ontario Innovation and Scale-Up Lab, which seeks to examine and advance evidence-based and implementation-sensitive approaches within school mental health and mobilize research and practice evidence to enhance the quality, consistency, scalability, and sustainability of mental health approaches in Ontario schools. Claire has co-authored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications and provided testimony to various provincial and federal bodies on policy matters related to family violence, substance use, and mental health. For more about Claire’s research projects see: https://www.csmh.uwo.ca/research/index.html

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Lynn Dawson
K-7 PE Teacher
Henry Hudson Elementary
North Vancouver, BC

Lynn Dawson is a K-7 PE teacher in Vancouver and loves getting kids excited about being active. Her mission is to create the best possible Physical Education experience for her students . She has  taught PE at the elementary level for the past 16 years, and 8 years at a secondary Outdoor Education program. Lynn loves to advocate for quality PE through her workshops for teachers and as an executive member of PHE-BC.  Lynn lives with her husband and two daughters in North Vancouver and can be found on the trails running and mountain biking.

Brenda Delorme

Brenda Delorme
Instructional Resources Analyst
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre
Winnipeg, MB

Brenda Delorme is a member of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation (Treaty No. 5). She received her degree in education at Saskatchewan Indian Federated College (University of Regina) and continued with her education receiving a post-baccalaureate diploma (University of Saskatchewan, Curriculum and Instruction) and Masters degree (University of Manitoba, Educational Administration).  She was a classroom teacher grade 3-12, a resource teacher, and a school administrator of a K-12 school system with 1,000 plus students.  Since 2010 Brenda has worked in different capacities at the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre as a manager, assessment training facilitator, assessment reporting lead, and currently as an instructional resources analyst.  

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Wes Delve
Agent de programme, Programme de coopération internationale et de justice sociale
Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants (CTF/FCE)
Ottawa, ON

Wes Delve est un agent de programme avec le Programme de coopération internationale et de justice sociale de la Fédération canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants (CTF/FCE). Il prend en charge bon nombre de partenariats de coopération en matière de développement international, notamment en Afrique et dans les Caraïbes, ainsi que le programme de justice sociale de la CTF/FCE. Avant d’assumer son poste au sein de la CTF/FCE en 2018, Wes a été enseignant et membre de l’ETFO pendant 25 ans (conseil scolaire du district de Thames Valley, conseil scolaire du district Upper Grand, et conseil scolaire du district de York). Durant sa carrière d’éducateur, il a travaillé à titre d’agent en matière d’équité; il a facilité une Alliance LGBTQI+ du personnel scolaire, et il a présenté des conférences à bon nombre d’ateliers au sujet de l’équité organisés par l’ETFO.


Marcus Down
Early Years PYP PE Educator
United Nations International School
Hanoi, Vietnam

Marcus Down currently teaches lower elementary PE at the United Nations International School of Hanoi in Vietnam. Since 2009, he has taught elementary PE in multiple countries using a variety of curricula. Marcus obtained his Masters of Arts in Kinesiology from the University of Victoria in 2013. He is currently a committee member for the PHASE Conference (held annually in Hong Kong). He recently became a workshop leader for the International Baccalaureate (IB) and has led workshops on The Role of PE and Personal, Social, Physical Education - Well-Being. Lately, Marcus has focussed his teaching of PE with students aged 3-6.

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Darin Faubert
École composite de Wadena, Division scolaire Horizon 
Wadena, SK

Darin Faubert est éducateur depuis 29 ans, dont 24 à titre d’administrateur. Quand il enseignait l’éducation en plein air et l’école de plein air, il a amené ses élèves au Cercle arctique, à Terre-Neuve, à Haida Gwaii, et à plus de 20 parcs nationaux d’un bout à l’autre du pays. Durant ces périples, lui et ses élèves ont fait des descentes en bobsleigh et à luge; ils ont étudié les ours blancs et les grizzlys, les putois à pieds noirs et les épaulards; ils ont fait le kayak de mer dans l’Atlantique et le Pacifique; et ils ont parcouru les sentiers des parcs nationaux Kluane, Jasper, et Gros Morne. Durant sa carrière d’enseignant, Darin a organisé 50 excursions scolaires de 3-14 jours.


Léa Gareau
Curriculum Developer
Planned Parenthood Ottawa
Ottawa, ON

Drawing from years of involvement in grassroots community work, Léa Gareau uses a youth-focused, trauma-informed and anti-oppressive approach when working on the topic of sexual and reproductive health at PPO. They seek to create and support spaces and resources for learning, and unlearning, about healthy relationships and SRHR, making education more accessible to all. 

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Chris Gilham, PhD
Professeur associé, Faculté d’éducation
Université St Francis Xavier 
Antigonish, NS

Le Dr Chris Gilham travaille dans le domaine de l’éducation depuis plus d’un quart de siècle. Il se passionne pour l’enseignement, et il se plaît à collaborer avec ses collègues dans le but d’élaborer, implanter, et évaluer des programmes pratiques de santé mentale dans les écoles, ciblant autant le personnel enseignant que les élèves. Il a enseigné des classes de 3ème à 9ème année dans des écoles publiques à Tokyo, Windsor, Ontario, et à Calgary. Pendant 5 ans, il a exercé la fonction de consultant en santé mentale et en comportement avec le conseil scolaire de Calgary. Durant ses études de doctorat, lorsqu’il enseignait sont premier cours au programme de baccalauréat en éducation à l’Université de Calgary, ses étudiants l’ont proposé comme candidat au Prix de professeur exceptionnel. Plusieurs années plus tard, ses étudiants de deuxième cycle à l’Université StFX ont soumis sa candidature au Prix d’excellence en enseignement, qu’il a remporté en 2019. Ses cours portent sur les programmes pour les élèves ayant des besoins spéciaux et souvent complexes; la sensibilisation à l’égard de la santé mentale; l’initiation à la recherche critique; et la philosophie de l’éducation. Chris poursuit actuellement des recherches subventionnées par le CRSH sur la sensibilisation des éducateurs en matière de santé mentale, ainsi que des recherches subventionnées par Nova Scotia Status of Women portant sur les groupes de garçons, dans le contexte plus large de l’effort de faire évoluer favorablement les inégalités de genre.

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Morris Green
Conseiller en éducation à la santé
Guys Work
Halifax, NS

Morris Green est un conseiller en éducation à la santé qui travaille auprès des jeunes personnes depuis 40 ans, abordant une grande variété de questions de la santé touchant les adolescents, incluant la prévention de blessures, l’activité physique, et la saine alimentation. Ses activités récentes portent sur les pressions et les attentes reliées à la masculinité, et leur incidence sur la santé des jeunes hommes. En 2017, il a pris sa retraite du département de la santé et du bien-être de la Nouvelle-Écosse, où il exerçait la fonction de coordonnateur de la santé des jeunes. Lorsqu’il travaillait pour le gouvernement, il a mis sur pied l’initiative Guys Work en association avec le département de l’éducation et du développement de la petite enfance. Guys Work est une initiative de promotion de la santé, fondée sur les preuves scientifiques, et déployée dans les écoles, visant à transformer les attitudes en ce qui concerne les « normes » de masculinité. Morris Green est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en éducation physique de l’Université Dalhousie à Halifax, et d’un diplôme d’études supérieures en science, de l’Université Columbia à New York.

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Andrea Haefele (she/her/hers)
Health & Physical Education Curriculum Consultant 
Toronto, ON

Andrea Haefele is a teacher in the YRDSB, and she is currently seconded as a Health & Physical Education Curriculum Consultant at Ophea. She has been part of many regional and provincial initiatives that support the H&PE curriculum, Healthy Schools, and also the Daily Physical Activity provincial policy. Andrea is a strong advocate for people with disabilities and have spoken at professional learning networks such as the Hospital for SickKids, the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Jumpstart Charities, and Autism Ontario. Andrea uses "she, her, hers" pronouns, and asks others to use these pronouns in reference to her. 


Nathan Horne
PHE Department Head and a MYP Physical & Health Education Teacher
Meadowridge School
Maple Ridge, BC

Nathan Horne is currently based in British Columbia, Canada where he is a PHE department head and a MYP physical & health education teacher. Nathan has previous teaching experience in national and international schools in Australia, the UK, Cambodia, Italy, and Singapore and advocates strongly for quality purposeful physical education for each and every student. Nathan has presented his ideas at local, national and international conferences and workshops in North America, Asia, Europe, Australia, and the Middle East.

Miya Inkster

Miya Inkster
Financial Literacy Facilitator and Community Development Specialist
First Nation Land Management Resource Centre
Duncan, BC

Miya Inkster is a financial literacy facilitator and community development specialist who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the projects she undertakes. Miya has worked with Indigenous organizations, and federal and provincial governments as a community champion and has committed her professional career to improving individuals social, community, and economic environments through financial literacy. Miya has worked with organizations across the country, providing support for Financial Literacy, organizational development, capacity building, promoting culture and wellness, and program development. She is best known for her ability to build and maintain positive relationships with community organizations, funders, community members, and federal and provincial governments. Miya is an experienced facilitator and policy analyst, specializing in policy research and development with a focus on social and financial policy. Miya works from the mantra “building individuals, families, communities, and nations one person at a time,” and enjoys co-creating human, social, and economic development programming.

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Ryan Jones
Rugby Development Manager
Rugby Canada
Victoria, Ontario

Ryan Jones is the Rugby Development Manager for Rugby Canada. His role is to support the growth and development of rugby across the country. Ryan has a degree in Recreation Management and Community Development from the University of Manitoba and he is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Positive Youth Development in Sport at York University. Previously he worked with Rugby Manitoba and Rugby Ontario to deliver youth rugby to schools, communities and local rugby clubs. Ryan is passionate about supporting youth to develop life skills through sport.

Karyn Kibsey

Karyn Kibsey
Manager of Training and Education
Canadian Centre for Child Protection
Winnipeg, MB

Karyn Kibsey is the Manager of Training and Education for the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. Karyn works with professionals in education, child serving-organizations, sport, and child protection to provide insights into issues of child sexual abuse and exploitation, misconduct, policies and procedures to protect children, emerging issues and trends impacting youth, and the online safety of children.

Sue Kim

Sue Kim
Master’s Candidate in School Psychology
University of Western Ontario
London, ON

Sue Kim is a Master’s candidate in School Psychology at the University of Western Ontario. Since graduating as the recipient of Western’s Gold Medal in undergraduate psychology, Sue has followed her passion for promoting student well-being by undertaking several clinical and research positions. As the former MindUP Project Manager at the Centre for School Mental Health, she had the opportunity to oversee the implementation and evaluation of a mindfulness-based social-emotional learning program for children within the London District Catholic School Board. Additionally, her experiences as a martial arts instructor and competitive fastpitch softball player have sparked her interest in studying the connection between physical activity and mental well-being. In addition to sport psychology, her current research interests include teacher well-being, trauma-informed practices, newcomer youth resiliency, and compassion-focused therapy


George Kourtis
Program Coordinator, Health and Physical Education/Athletics
Toronto District School Board
Toronto, ON

George Kourtis is the Program Coordinator for Health and Physical Education/Athletics at the Toronto District School Board.  Daily goal of improving our student's physical and health literacy in our schools, while aligning our pedagogical practices to reflect our initiatives.   Author, provincial curriculum writer, fitness trainer, community coach, father to two great young gentlemen, and a loving husband to a supportive spouse. 

Dillon Landi

Dillon Landi
Lecturer in Education
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow, UK

Dillon Landi (he/him/his) is a Lecturer in Education at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK). He received his PhD from the University of Auckland (New Zealand) and two postgraduate degrees (EdM and MA) from Columbia University (New York, USA). Dillon teaches and does research in health and wellbeing, equity and diversity, as well as research methodology. He was teacher and supervisor in health education, physical education and sport for the largest school district in New Jersey (USA). Dillon spends his time drinking coffee, watching re-runs of Schitt’s Creek, perusing K-Dramas on Netflix, and reading romance novels by Danielle Steel. You can find him on twitter: @DillonLandi

Reg Leidl

Reg Leidl
Executive Director
PHE Saskatchewan
Esterhazy, SK

Reg Leidl is currently the Executive Director for PHE Saskatchewan. He has an extensive background in physical education, physical literacy, sport psychology, and educational leadership. His grassroots perspective continually supports the role of teachers and coaches as they strive to support physical literacy and physical education within our schools, and communities.

Jennifer leo

Jennifer Leo
Director, Steadward Centre for Personal & Physical Achievement
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB

As the Steadward Centre Director, Jennifer Leo brings 15+ years experience conducting research & evaluation in community-based settings, Jen brings insight to issues of inclusion and participation from rehabilitation to community-based active recreation. 

Melvin Lowe

Melvin Lowe
Vice-Principal, Marc Garneau C. I. 
Toronto District School Board
Toronto, ON

Melvin Lowe is the vice-principal of Marc Garneau C. I. of the Toronto District School Board. He is also the co-author of the Anti-Asian Racism Resource developed by the TDSB Equity Department and the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO). His goal is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed and achieve physically, mentally, and academically. He is an author, community and provincial coach, father of one, and husband to a joyful spouse.

Shannon MacMillan

Shannon MacMillan
Manager, Programs & Training
BOKS Canada
Calgary, AB

Shannon MacMillan is the Manager, Programs & Training with BOKS Canada. She has been a part of the BOKS team for over 5 years and has seen the program grow and evolve across Canada throughout this time. Shannon is a passionate advocate for getting kids active and moving daily. When she is not busy supporting BOKS programs, trainers and kids; she can be found enjoying the great outdoors, spending time with her family hiking, cross country skiing, biking and running.

Madelaine McCallum

Madelaine McCallum
Cree/Métis dancer, speaker, and choreographer
Île-à-la-Crosse, SK

Madelaine McCallum is a dancer originally from Ile a la Crosse, Saskatchewan. Though she is well known for Métis dance (she's been jigging since she could walk!), she enjoys all forms including Pow Wow, contemporary, Hip Hop and just movement from the soul. Madelaine has performed for many stages. Performing was a natural progression into choreographing. Madelaine has a passion for sharing her knowledge of dance and culture. Madelaine also shares her story of survival and how dance has been her outlet and savior throughout her life. Her belief in sharing knowledge with her community to empower and strengthen them and her deep love of dance and firm belief in its healing powers, for the audience as well as the dancer, is what makes Madelaine McCallum such a name to look out for!

Tyler Mcgurry

Tyler McGurry
Physical Education Teacher, Member of Disc Golf Manitoba's Education Committee

Tyler McGurry is a physical education teacher from Manitoba who has worked with K-6 students specifically the last six school years and has experience instructing students at all grade levels. He is a member of Disc Golf Manitoba's Education Committee and has delivered PD sessions and created resources for teachers in MB. Tyler is passionate about teaching physical education outdoors and believes students should have an opportunity to learn a variety of lifelong outdoor physical activities that can be played in all types of weather.


Ceara McIntyre
Education Coordinator
Planned Parenthood Ottawa
Ottawa, ON

With an education in social work, Ceara McIntyre has experience in system navigation, crisis counselling and providing education support, specifically to youth. When working with people she aims to use an anti-oppressive, post-modern, and client-centred approach that supports individual autonomy while challenging systems of oppression. 

Norbert Mercredi

Norbert Mercredi
Land Based Physical Education/Health Facilitator
Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre
Winnipeg, MB

Norbert Mercredi is the Land Based Physical Education/Health Facilitator for the Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre. Norbert has a Bachelor of Physical Education degree and a Teacher Certification certificate. He has approximately 35+ years of experience in teaching physical activity, physical education, health, native studies, history, geography, and has an extensive coaching experience with certification in a variety of sports. Norbert is very interested in teaching by using the holistic view of education with First Nation games, as a way of teaching movement skills, sport skills, traditional teachings, and emphasizing the importance and values of mino pimatisiwin.

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Dre Hayley Morrison
Professeure adjointe, Faculté d’éducation
Université de l’Alberta
Edmonton, AB

La Dre Hayley Morrison enseigne des cours de programmes et de pédagogies d’éducation physique et à la santé (EPS) aux enseignants en cours de formation et étudiants au programme de maîtrise en éducation appartenant à la cohorte d’éducation à la santé et d’éducation physique. Elle s’intéresse notamment à l’inclusion en EPS et aux recherches sur l’éducation. Effectivement, les activités d’enseignement et de recherche de Hayley s’entrecroisent parce qu’elle vise à favoriser en permanence des expériences éducatives et inclusives à tous les niveaux de l’apprentissage et l’enseignement de l’EPS.

Christan Murphy

Christan Murphy
K-6 PE Specialist
Cowan Heights and Bishop Abraham Schools
St. John's, NL

Christan Murphy is a K-6 PE specialist at Cowan Heights and Bishop Abraham schools in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. He has been teaching for 11 years and is new to the implementation of models-based approaches in Physical Education.

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Dr. Brandon Needham
Sessional Lecturer
Good Spirit School Division/University of Regina
Yorkton, SK

Dr. Brandon Needham is a recent graduate from the University of Regina with a Ph.D. in Education. His doctoral research explored his dual role as researcher and school administrator through his journey toward reconciliation. Brandon is also a sessional lecturer at the University of Regina in the Kinesiology department, where he teaches undergraduate classes on Health and Wellness and Indigenous sport. 

Aneka Porter

Aneka Porter
Child and Youth Worker
York Region School Board
Toronto, ON

Aneka Porter has been a Child and Youth worker for over 10 years working in a multiple of settings including hospitals, group homes and schools supporting children and youth with mental and behavioural issues. Most recently she’s been working with the York Region School Board supporting elementary students. She is an advocate for promoting healthy well being for students and their families. She has also facilitated numerous parent workshops giving parents' tools and advice on healthy living. She uses (she, her, hers) pronouns.

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Ty Riddick
Elementary PHE Teacher
Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School
Okotoks, AB

Ty Riddick is currently an Elementary PHE teacher at Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School in Okotoks, Alberta. He spend the previous 8 years teaching High School PHE at international schools in Hong Kong and South Korea. He recently completed his MEd in Curriculum & Pedagogy through the University of Alberta and remains interested in pedagogies that support meaning-making and ecological dynamics. 

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Sabrina Razack
Éducatrice, doctorante 
Université de Toronto
Toronto, ON

Sabrina Razack est une éducatrice basée dans la région de Toronto et une doctorante à l’Université de Toronto, dans un programme co-animé par la faculté de kinésiologie et éducation physique et le département d’études sur les femmes et le genre. Au-delà de ses rôles d’éducatrice et d’étudiante, Sabrina a travaillé pour la CAAWS, maintenant connue comme Femmes et sport Canada; les Jeux panaméricains/para-panaméricains, et les Jeux INVICTUS. Les recherches de Sabrina portent sur les entrecroisements de l’activité physique, le sport, l’éducation physique, les médias, la race, le genre, la classe sociale, et la culture. Sabrina est une auteure primée de programmes-cadres, et elle a développé la ressource http://teachbeyondaboundary.com/, proposant des modules critiques d’éducation physique, d’activité physique, de sport, et d’enjeux sociaux.

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Dr. Travis Saunders
Associate Professor of Applied Human Sciences
University of Prince Edward Island
Charlottetown, PEI

Dr Travis Saunders is an Associate Professor of Applied Human Sciences at the University of Prince Edward Island.  His research focuses on the health benefits of physical activity for school-aged children and youth. He was the Chair of the Expert Panel which developed new School-Related Sedentary Behaviour Recommendations for School Aged Children and Youth.


Laura Seckington (she/her/hers)
Elementary Teacher and Specialist in Special Education
York Region District School Board
Toronto, ON

Laura Seckington is an elementary teacher and specialist in Special Education in the York Region District School Board. Her experience includes teaching at both the elementary and secondary levels with students with complex needs in both classroom and treatment settings. She has taught for over 10 years in environments specific to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and spent two years working on her board's Interdisciplinary Team assisting school staff with students with behaviour needs and working for the Crisis Prevention Institute as a trainer. She has a background in Applied Behavioural Analysis and her passions include advocating for the inclusion of students with disabilities whenever possible.


LJ Slovin
PhD in Curriculum and Pedagogy
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC

LJ Slovin holds a PhD in Curriculum and Pedagogy from the University of British Columbia. A former sexual health educator and youth worker, they currently teach courses in the study of sexuality and critical health education at UBC. Their research interrogates how gender nonconforming youth navigate various elements of schooling with a particular focus on the ways settler colonialism continues to inform normative gendered expectations. LJ is passionate about shifting the way we think about gender, working with young people, baking, and riding their bicycle.

Kim St-Pierre

Kim St-Pierre
Gestionnaire du développement des affaires du programme
Montreal, QC

Kim St-Pierre est l’une des plus grandes joueuses de l’histoire du hockey féminin au pays. Au sein de l’équipe nationale du Canada, entre 1998 et 2011, elle remporte trois médailles d’or olympique et cinq championnats du monde. Puis en 2020, elle devient la première gardienne de but à être intronisée au Temple de la renommée du hockey.  Kim a été intronisée au temple de la renommée du sport de l’Université McGill en 2014 suivi par le temple de la renommée du Panthéon des sports du Québec en 2016. Kim est diplômée en Éducation à l’Université McGill. Aujourd’hui mère de deux enfants, Kim St-Pierre a à cœur plus que jamais la promotion de l’activité physique, étant gestionnaire du développement des affaires du programme BOKS.


Dr. Lauren Sulz
Associate Professor, Faculty of Education
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB

Dr. Lauren Sulz is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. Her primary research commitments focus on school-based strategies to promote active healthy lifestyles among children and youth. Through this research, Dr. Sulz aims to create a whole-school environment where student health is an essential foundation to schools’ core mission of learning.

Courtney Szto

Courtney Szto
Assistant Professor, School of Kinesiology and Health Studies
Queen's University
Kingston, ON

Dr. Courtney Szto (@courtneyszto) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies at Queen's University. She has published widely on racism in hockey, including her book "Changing on the Fly: Hockey through the voices of South Asian Canadians," and the publicly available "Policy Paper for Anti-Racism in Canadian Hockey." Dr. Szto is the Co-Chair for the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigeneity Task Force for Queen's Athletics and Recreation, and consults with the Professional Women's Hockey Players Association (PWHPA) and Hockey Diversity Alliance on their anti-racism efforts.

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Jamie Tanis
Coordonnatrice principale de l’Intérieur de la C.-B., Cessation et réduction tabagique 
Régie de la santé des Premières Nations
Territoire du peuple salish du littoral, Vancouver Ouest, BC

Jamie Tanis travaille depuis 6 ans pour la Régie de la santé des Premières Nations. Ce poste lui a permis d’apprendre auprès des aînés Dakelh-Déné sur l’utilisation traditionnelle du tabac, et d’autres enseignements encore. Elle poursuit toujours son parcours d’apprentissage dans son nouveau rôle comme coordinatrice principale de l’Intérieur de la Colombie-Britannique : cessation et réduction tabagiques. Dans son temps libre, Jamie se plaît à coudre, pêcher (tous les styles), faire des randonnées à pied ou en kayak, et passer du temps en compagnie de ses deux petits-enfants. Jamie est reconnaissante d’avoir eu le privilège de travailler directement avec les particuliers (services d’aide aux victimes, secrétaire juridique, travailleuse sociale, responsable de l’engagement communautaire) et elle aime écouter les histoires des membres de la communauté.

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Jessica Wood
Spécialiste de recherche
Conseil d'information et d'éducation sexuelles du Canada (CIÉSCAN)
Toronto, ON

Jessica Wood est une spécialiste de recherches au Conseil d’information et d’éducation sexuelles du Canada (CIÉSCAN). Dans ce rôle, elle effectue des recherches en lien avec l’éducation sexuelle, et elle aide à élaborer des ressources d’éducation sexuelle et de promotion de la santé sexuelle destinées au personnel enseignant et aux responsables politiques, comme par exemple les Lignes directrices canadiennes pour l’éducation sexuelle. Jessica a cumulé une longue feuille de route en recherches sur la santé sexuelle et les relations; elle a obtenu son doctorat en psychologie sociale appliquée de l’Université de Guelph.

Britt Vegsund

Britt Vegsund
Health Promoter and Outdoor Educator
Nova Scotia Active Smarter Kids Project
Lunenburg, NS

Britt Vegsund is a health promoter and outdoor educator who lives on and explores the wild Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. Since 2018, in collaboration with dedicated educators, she has led the Nova Scotia Active Smarter Kids Project, an initiative to support the sustained implementation of physically active learning (PAL) in schools across Nova Scotia. PAL is a teaching method used by classroom teachers in which physically active games and activities are incorporated into the review of curriculum outcomes. In addition to increasing students’ daily physical activity levels, PAL has been proven to have positive impacts on academic achievement and classroom management. But perhaps, most importantly, PAL positively contributes to students’ and teachers’ sense of enjoyment of the school day! Britt is grateful to live and play in Mi’kmaw’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. 

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Megan Zeni
PhD student and PHE lecturer, Faculty of Education
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC

Megan Zeni is a fourth year PhD student and PHE lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia. Her research includes collaborations with practicing K-7 classroom teachers to capture how pedagogies of place and play are enacted through unstructured outdoor play and learning at school. Megan has 25 years experience as a professional K-7 educator, and currently teaches entirely outdoors in a public school outdoor and garden classroom. To learn more about her work, visit: www.meganzeni.com

D’autres profils de conférenciers et conférencières seront ajoutés dans le courant des prochaines semaines!